Rabu, 12 April 2017

The Surangama Sutra Volume 10

The Surangama Sutra Volume 10
Ananda! If a person fills, ten directions all space with seven treasures,
Holds and offers to infinitesimal dust Buddhas, services and offerings, heart without wasting time,
What do you think? This person offers Buddhas, the causation and conditioning, will gain plenty fortune?
Verbal Translation:
“Ananda, if a person fills the space of ten directions with seven treasures, offers and services to the infinitesimal Buddhas without wasting time. What do you think? With this causation and conditioning of Buddha offering, will this person gain great fortune?”
Ananda replies:
The space no ends, treasures boundless;
Past a sentient being offers Buddha seven coins, depart body, obtain heavenly king status,
Not to mention fills space, Buddha ground with treasures,
Eons of contemplation cannot calculate the fortune, not to mention any boundaries?
Verbal Translation:
Ananda replies: “The space has no end; therefore, treasures are without boundaries. There was a sentient being offered Buddha seven coins, after relinquished the physical body, obtained the heavenly king status. Now, the space and the Buddha lands are abundant with offering of treasure; it is unimaginable with eons of contemplation; not to mention to calculate the fortune; how can the fortune have any boundaries?
Buddha tells Ananda:
Buddhas and Tathagatas, language no unreal and illusion;
If a person, committed four serious and ten parajikas
Will instantly pass this quadrant into the quadrant of avici hell, even until the end ten directions, no cessation, shall be not experienced;
If able with one thought, want this dharma door, in last stage kalpa, teaches unlearned,
This person’s offences and barriers, with responding thought, melt and cease. Transform perceived hell suffering cause into calm joyful land,
Gain fortune surpass that dana hundred times, thousand times, thousand ten-thousand hundred-million times, until calculation and comparison cannot reach.
Ananda! If sentient beings can recite this sutra, hold this mantra, like I broadly said, endless eons without limit. According to my teaching and verse, practice the path until accomplish Bodhi, no more Mara barriers.
Verbal Translation:
Buddha tells Ananda: “Buddhas and Tathagatas speak no unreal and no illusion. If a person committed four serious and ten parajikas (four serious parajikas are killing, stealing, carnality and false language. Ten parajikas are killing, stealing, carnality, false language, intoxication, rumor shangas misdeeds, praise self and degrade others, meanness, anger at rebuke and vilifying the Triratna) , this person will instantly experience suffering of avici hell without break and without end. If this person can hold a thought to teach this Dharma in the last stage of kalpa to the uneducated, this person’s offensive barriers will melt and cease; its hellish suffering will become land of calm and joy. This person will obtain the fortune that are hundred times, thousand times, thousand ten-thousand hundred-million time more than the dana (the offering person). Ananda, if sentient beings can recite this sutra, hold this mantra; as I said, the fortune will be limitless until the end of eons. Follow my teachings and practice the path according to the teaching until accomplish the Bodhi, one will have no more Mara barriers.
Buddha expounded this sutra; bhiksus, bhiksunis, upasakas, upasikas, all worldly devas, human, ashura; bodhisattva, sravakas, pratyeka-buddhas, rsis from other realm; also newly initiated powerful ghost and spirits were all contempt with joy, paid reverence to Buddha and depart.
Source: Master Zen Yu Google+ Post
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